How to Successfully Switch to Decaf Coffee

How to Successfully Switch to Decaf Coffee

If you have a caffeine sensitivity or simply want to consume less caffeine without giving up coffee, then switching to decaf coffee is the perfect solution for you! Decaf coffee is an excellent alternative to...
How to Make an Espresso Coffee at Home Using an AeroPress

How to Make an Espresso Coffee at Home Using an AeroPress

You can’t make espresso without an espresso machine, right? These days, a good espresso machine will run you a couple of hundred dollars for a basic model, and thousands if you’re looking for a fancy...
A Guide to Choosing the Right Honey Coffee for Your Tastes

A Guide to Choosing the Right Honey Coffee for Your Tastes

If you’re a regular at a specialty coffee shop, you’ve likely come across coffees described as “honey processed.” You may have even tried one! But did you know that there are actually several different kinds...
Why You Should Be Drinking Honey Processed Coffee

Why You Should Be Drinking Honey Processed Coffee

From variety, to roast level, to origin, there are endless options to consider when it comes to choosing coffee. For many coffee professionals, the single most important contributing factor to a coffee’s flavor profile is...
What are the Best Coffee Beans for Espresso?

What are the Best Coffee Beans for Espresso?

Brewing coffee should be simple: just add water, right? Although you only need two ingredients–ground coffee and water–to make a cup of coffee, there are countless ways to brew. You can go pour-over style with...
A Beginner's Guide to Specialty Coffee Beans

A Beginner's Guide to Specialty Coffee Beans

Like “artisan bread," “craft beer,” or “gourmet chocolate," you’ve probably come across the term “specialty coffee.” But what does that mean exactly? What separates specialty coffee beans from all the rest? Is it more than...
From Experience: The Best Electric Gooseneck Kettle

From Experience: The Best Electric Gooseneck Kettle

Gooseneck kettles revolutionized how we brew coffee. With their precise control and ergonomic function, they open up a new world of flavors in brewed coffee. First came the stovetop versions, followed by the electric kettles...
What are Liberica Coffee Beans?

What are Liberica Coffee Beans?

Quick—name a type of coffee. (No, we aren’t talking about coffee drinks, like a caramel macchiato). Ok, let’s be a bit more specific: name a species of coffee plant. If you guessed “Arabica” or “Robusta”,...
The Difference Between Direct Trade and Fairtrade Coffee

The Difference Between Direct Trade and Fairtrade Coffee

Many consumer goods in grocery stores now have labels stating if they are direct trade, or Fairtrade. Beyond the altruistic appearance, what do these labels mean? What’s the difference between direct trade vs Fairtrade? What...