Clever Dripper vs Hario V60 Review

Clever Dripper vs Hario V60 Review

The Clever Dripper and Hario V60 are two of the most popular tools for making coffee at home. We reviewed them based on price, quality, and ease of use.
Drinking Better Coffee With Coffee Pods

Drinking Better Coffee With Coffee Pods

How to use regular coffee beans and improve your coffee pod experience. In recent years, the nostalgic comfort that many recall and love is likely the Mr. Coffee drip maker. Future generations may soon be...
Everything About Gesha Coffees

Everything About Gesha Coffees

We explain the hype behind Gesha coffees and why we offer them. You've heard about it, you've seen it, and you've probably widened your eyes after learning its price—the Gesha coffee. As a specialty coffee...
A Guide to Honey Processed Coffees

A Guide to Honey Processed Coffees

We give the scoop on how to amplify your coffee drinking experience with juicy and bright honey processed coffees—and no, this does not mean adding honey to your daily brew. 
What is coffee processing? From harvesting, processing, roasting, and brewing.

Coffee Processing Methods

Discover how coffee gets made and what it does to the taste of your daily cup. Like tea, wine, and even beer, coffee starts with a fresh product. Wine has its grapes, beer with its...
Why Things Look A Little Differently

Why Things Look A Little Differently

Coffee means family, and family means coffee. That’s why family goes beyond our core family team at Bean & Bean. This is the family that encompasses our vendor partners, our employees, the people we buy...
Barista Highlight: Ariely

Barista Highlight: Ariely

BARISTA HIGHLIGHT: ARIELY We are excited to currently have two of our cafe's open with new COVID-19 guidelines. The safety of our staff and community is of utmost priority to us and we want to...
Participatory Forum

Participatory Forum

Happy July! This quarantine period has altered our collective sense of time so drastically, but we are still standing 108 days later! The past few months have been a time for deep reflection for Bean...
Barista Highlight: Kate

Barista Highlight: Kate

We are excited to currently have two of our cafe's open with new COVID-19 guidelines. The safety of our staff and community is of utmost priority to us and we want to celebrate the hard...