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Mexico Vanessa Garcia Flores Honey


Roast Level: Medium
Mexico Veracruz Cordoba 
Los Cantiles “The Cliff”
Costa Rica 95, Colombia
1240 m 

Vanessa Garcia Flores is a 29-year-old, third generation female coffee producer, who is taking over her parents' coffee business. This is Vanessa's debut in the US (and the global market) via Bean & Bean x Fellow Drops. Jiyoon (from the Mother Daughter Q Grader Team) met Vanessa on a coffee origin trip to Mexico this year, where she was also was a juror for the Cup of Excellence Mexico. Vanessa entered the CoE competition with this coffee and scored well in the nationals round.

This is a Honey process, conserving all of the sugar from the coffee. Thermal shock was applied to the coffee cherries using cold water to halt fermentation. Costa Rica 95 and Colombia are both high-yield coffees that grow well even in lower altitudes, which makes it easier on farmers and can play a role in creating a more sustainable future in coffee. 

In our blogs, we teach you everything you need to know about honey processing here, and coffee processing methods here



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